WICA Second Quarter Newsletter

Record Attendance at This Year’s
Pacific Northwest Golf Tournament

It was a beautiful July 9 morning at the Washington National Golf Club as record numbers of WICA contractors, associates, and friends gathered for the  Annual WICA Pacific Northwest Golf Tournament. Sixty-four players took to the course, eager to gather in person again. 

After such a successful event, we would like to issue a special thank you to our event sponsors:


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Aeroflex USA
Alaskan Insulation Specialties
Armacell LLC
Distribution International
Hudson Bay Insulation
Ideal Products of America
Integrated Marketing Group
Johns Manville
Knauf Insulation

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MacArthur Co.
Midwest Fasteners
Owens Corning
Owens Corning FOAMGLAS
Performance Contracting Inc.
Specialty Products & Insulation
Summit Contracting
WICA Northern California
Zenith American Solutions



And, of course, we would also like to congratulate our tournament winners. Both teams were 12 under with the first team winning the scorecard playoff.

1st Place: Chris Lewis, Elliot Parker, Jerome LaMear, and Chris Kiel 
2nd Place: Adam Hober, Zach Howard, Dan Howard, and Megan Woodworth
Closest to the Hole #5: Brian Morris
Closest to the Hole #8: Matt Cardenas
Closest to the Hole #11: Pati Piro-Bosley 
Closest to the Hole #16: Mike Gingles 
Straightest Drive: Mark Piesker 
Longest Drive: Joel Miller  

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Owens Corning 

A Three-Pronged Insulating Strategy
When it comes to specifying and installing mechanical insulation, three strategies support performance and efficiency from transport through install:
Strategy 1: Seal Securely
Tailored to fit and to perform, Owens Corning SSL II® with ASJ Max Fiberglas™ Pipe Insulation offers an advanced double adhesion fastening system to support fast and easy fabrication during installation. The stay secure seal also eliminates the need for staples and mastic.

Strategy 2: Durable, Cleanable and Wrinkle-Resistant Protection
The polymer film exterior on Owens Corning SSL II® with ASJ Max Fiberglas™ Pipe Insulation helps it resist short durations of water exposure. The film can easily be wiped down to maintain a clean and pristine look and defend against mold and/or mildew growth.

Strategy 3: Insulate Efficiently
There is no need to filet Owens Corning SSL II® with ASJ Max Fiberglas™ Pipe Insulation which features flex core sizes that compress over copper and some small-bore iron pipes and fittings. The Flex core approach can yield up to 16% in time savings. Rigid core sizes are available to support fast and easy fabrication on larger pipes. And from a thermal perspective, Owens Corning SSL II® with ASJ Max Fiberglas™ Pipe Insulation performs in operating temperatures up to 1,000F.
Owens Corning 2021. All rights reserved.

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Register Now for the Annual WICA Convention

Registration closes on August 11 so don’t delay!

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September 12-14, 2021
Annual WICA Convention at the beautiful The Phoenician Luxury Resort
Scottsdale, AZ
October 8, 2021
Annual WICA-WSC Labor/Management Meeting
Napa Valley, CA


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