WICA Second Quarter Newsletter
Record Attendance at This Year’s
Pacific Northwest Golf Tournament
It was a beautiful July 9 morning at the Washington National Golf Club as record numbers of WICA contractors, associates, and friends gathered for the Annual WICA Pacific Northwest Golf Tournament. Sixty-four players took to the course, eager to gather in person again.
After such a successful event, we would like to issue a special thank you to our event sponsors:
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Aeroflex USA
Alaskan Insulation Specialties
Armacell LLC
Distribution International
Hudson Bay Insulation
Ideal Products of America
Integrated Marketing Group
Johns Manville
Knauf Insulation
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MacArthur Co.
Midwest Fasteners
Owens Corning
Owens Corning FOAMGLAS
Performance Contracting Inc.
Specialty Products & Insulation
Summit Contracting
WICA Northern California
Zenith American Solutions
Closest to the Hole #8: Matt Cardenas
Closest to the Hole #11: Pati Piro-Bosley
Closest to the Hole #16: Mike Gingles
Straightest Drive: Mark Piesker
Longest Drive: Joel Miller
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Owens Corning
A Three-Pronged Insulating Strategy
When it comes to specifying and installing mechanical insulation, three strategies support performance and efficiency from transport through install:
Strategy 1: Seal Securely
Tailored to fit and to perform, Owens Corning SSL II® with ASJ Max Fiberglas™ Pipe Insulation offers an advanced double adhesion fastening system to support fast and easy fabrication during installation. The stay secure seal also eliminates the need for staples and mastic.
Strategy 2: Durable, Cleanable and Wrinkle-Resistant Protection
The polymer film exterior on Owens Corning SSL II® with ASJ Max Fiberglas™ Pipe Insulation helps it resist short durations of water exposure. The film can easily be wiped down to maintain a clean and pristine look and defend against mold and/or mildew growth.
Strategy 3: Insulate Efficiently
There is no need to filet Owens Corning SSL II® with ASJ Max Fiberglas™ Pipe Insulation which features flex core sizes that compress over copper and some small-bore iron pipes and fittings. The Flex core approach can yield up to 16% in time savings. Rigid core sizes are available to support fast and easy fabrication on larger pipes. And from a thermal perspective, Owens Corning SSL II® with ASJ Max Fiberglas™ Pipe Insulation performs in operating temperatures up to 1,000F.
Owens Corning 2021. All rights reserved.
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Register Now for the Annual WICA Convention
Registration closes on August 11 so don’t delay!
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September 12-14, 2021
Annual WICA Convention at the beautiful The Phoenician Luxury Resort
Scottsdale, AZ
October 8, 2021
Annual WICA-WSC Labor/Management Meeting
Napa Valley, CA
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