WICA Updates Labor Reports
With a few of the WICA chapters bargaining in 2015, several reports have been updated in the “Labor Documents” section of the WICA website that may be of interest to contractor members. First, the annual Wage and Benefit Survey for the Western States Conference has been updated and all but three local unions reflect current wage and benefit data. Additionally, the annual hours report for the WSC by each local union has been updated and now shows an eighteen-year perspective. By way of comparison, WICA has also uploaded a detailed labor-management survey conducted by the Western Mechanical Conference which includes wage, benefit, and basic work rules for all of the UA Western States Pipe Trades Locals. Lastly, WICA has included a very comprehensive study of employer bargaining objectives in 2015 produced by Bloomberg BNA-Construction Labor Report which shows that wage gains will most likely be in the two percent region and that fringe benefit plans are receiving increased scrutiny as costs have dramatically increased over the past several years. We invite WICA members to take advantage of the resources available through the “Labor Documents” section of the website by logging into the website with your username and password. If you have forgotten your username or password, please contact Sarah Hill (801-364-0050) and she will send you your credentials.